Friday, July 25, 2014

Maine or Bust!

This morning we left Long Island at 5:15 in the morning, with hopes of beating the commuters leaving Long Island, headed for New York City.  We were also hoping to beat the heat.  The plan worked perfectly, as we never hit bad traffic, and we never got too hot.  It was about an eight hour drive to Maine.  The drive got prettier and prettier, and cooler and cooler as we went.  

(Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine)

(One of my favorite towns, Camden, Maine)

(Lincolnville Beach)

Because we got up so early, it just seemed like it was a long day, but we really got there fairly early, happy to see the quaint Maine towns, and really happy to arrive at Keith's parent's house!  Of course, we made a quick stop at the car wash before we reached their home.  It was their first time to see the car, and it needed to look its best!

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