Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Bayside and Balance Rock

I really LOVE the gingerbread cottage community of Bayside.  So this day, instead of the Belfast waterfront walk, we took Saleen just up the road to walk around that village.  It began as a Methodist Camp 100 years ago, and eventually a few cottages were built as people from away (how Mainers refer to non-Mainers) began coming here for the summer.  Soon many cottages sprang up, and it's such a nice collection of small cottages in a variety of colors!

After lunch, we headed out on another hike that Mr. Geraghty knew about, to another erratic, Balance Rock, along the shore of Megunticook Lake.  The woods were mostly heavenly-smelling pine and firs, so this trail was a nice, soft, pine needle-cushioned one, and level, which is always nice. 

Have I mentioned enough how nice the Maine woods are?

After the hike, we wanted to share out favorite "sitting by the water" spot with the Geraghtys, so headed back to Lincolnville Beach to watch rain clouds in the far distance over the Bay. 

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